Southwest Missouri
The Mission of the Urban Land Institute is to shape the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities worldwide.
We are a district council of the Urban Land Institute, a global organization that, for more than 80 years, has been dedicated to improving the quality of urban areas. Established in 2023, we are a volunteer-led group of passionate industry professionals and community leaders advancing the real estate and land use industry across Southwest Missouri. Our goal, simply put, is a built environment that better serves more people.
Stay connected and follow us on social media @ULISWMO for the latest news and event updates.
Our members include real estate developers, builders, finance and equity professionals, architects, engineers, urban planners, elected officials, engaged citizens, and more. We connect Southwest Missouri to ULI’s global network of leaders and educational resources, bringing our region’s brightest minds and best practices.

We are committed to:
- Bringing together leaders from across the fields of real estate and land use policy to exchange best practices and serve community needs;
- Fostering collaboration within and beyond ULI’s membership through mentoring, dialogue, and problem-solving;
- Exploring issues of urbanization, conservation, regeneration, land use, capital formation, and sustainable development;
- Advancing land use policies and design practices that respect the uniqueness of both built and natural environments;
- Sharing knowledge through education, applied research, publishing, and electronic media; and
- Sustaining a diverse global network of local practice and advisory efforts that address current and future challenges.